MagnusBilling is an open source tool written in PHP and JAVASCRIPT, using the EXTJS 6 and YII FRAMEWORK frameworks, aimed at IP telephony providers. MagnusBilling provides a complete and powerful system for anyone to start an IP telephony provider in a matter of minutes. MagnusBilling uses Asterisk for connection between customers and providers.
- MagnusBilling can be installed on Linux, Centos 7 or Debian 10.
- MagnusBilling has a modern and robust interface that makes the administration of all functions very easy to understand.
- MagnusBilling has everything that a small, medium and large companies need to start a robust IP PBX system Youtube Channel.
- The system has a lot of functionality to make your server incredibly robust.
- Makes Asterisk easier to manage, and allows you to work without prior Asterisk knowledge, everything is done by the WEB panel.
- Complete WEB panel for the administrator, reseller and customers.
Very simple install
To install MagnusBilling, you only need a server with DEBIAN 10 (recommended) CentOS 7, 64 bit minimal installation.
cd /usr/src/
yum -y install wget
chmod +x
cd /usr/src/
apt-get install -y wget
chmod +x
After installation, the server will automatically reboot.
MagnusBilling’s dashboard: http://your_ip/
Default user: root
Default password: magnus
Remember to change root’s password!
Admin interface:
First you need to set up tariff plans:
Next, you need to add prefixes:
… next enter tariffs:
Add the provider and trunks:
Then trunks:
And trunk groups:
Next, add the user:
Configuring the SIP user:
In this case, the dialing format will be E164 without a prefix, for example 74953332211
User interface (available at the same address as the admin interface):